Reviews of the book

You'll find a few actual reviews below (and, of course, that depends on what your definition of "actual" is) --- from some pretty well known and totally objective people.

In the meantime, if you have any comments, or would like to submit your own review, please send me an email message at: The 25th Circle


The author of GONE AWRY is a comic genius on the order of a Mark Twain or Dave Barry. This is the funniest book I've ever read. - the author's oldest daughter

The book is the best. I laughed so hard I fell off my chair. Now, what about the matter of raising my grade? - one of the author's students.

I loved the book, son. But did you have to include such graphic sex scenes? And all that swearing? - the author's mom

Your book made me laugh so durn hard that pieces of my Big Mac spewed right out of my nose! - Bill Clinton

I've never enjoyed a book more than GONE AWRY. It made me laugh. It made me cry. It made me think. It even made me recall who hired Craig Livingstone! Just don't let anyone from the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy read it. - Hillary Rodham Clinton, author of "It takes a Village to Raise an Idiot."

I enjoyed GONE AWRY so much that I decided to quit my show and devote the rest of my life to saving the Rain Forest. - Rush Limbaugh

The book was absolutely fabulous. Now, the next time some smart aleck reporter asks me to name the leaders of some obscure, two-bit countries, I'll demand that he first tell me what a Virtual Granny is used for --- and how many Circles there are in Hell. - George W. Bush


Tour Guide Marvin deviates from the normal tour of Hell when Les Smart arrives for his indoctrination. Dogged by Security Guard Harold and delayed by a tryst with Delilah, the two men hit the "high spots" of High Tech Hell. Gradually we learn Marvin has a plan and it does not include spending eternity in the 25th Circle of Hell. Reference to circles and individual cantos echo Dante’s Inferno in a literary sense. Plus, the story subtly weaves in spiritual and moral lessons, also reminiscent of Dante. Set at the turn of the millennium, Gone Awry is humorous and exceedingly well written. Techno-geeks as well as those folk who feel overwhelmed by today's technology will greatly enjoy this book. I found the punishment set aside for telemarketers, lawyers and such particularly heart-warming. The undiscovered Book of Mortimer gives the reader a new perspective on the events of the Old Testament. Of special interest are the new Rules to live by sprinkled throughout. Reminds me, I need to go back and take notes. Highly recommended. --- Reviewed by: Lida E. Quillen, 3/15/00 Scribes World Reviews at

The most recent award received by GONE AWRY is that of being cited as the Amazing Authors' Most Popular Author for the month of April 2000.

A growing number of other, 5 star reviews, may be found on the web page for GONE AWRY. Use the following three keywords (without the quotes) when searching for GONE AWRY at the website: "ignizio gone awry"