Dana - 04/16/00 11:14:58
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/DanaMaree/
My Email:danaw@australiamail.com
I really, really have nothing but admiration for anyone who has the patience to write anything longer then three paragraphs. (it drives me batty myself). Keep up the good work, and try not to let Geocities let you down.
shadowfeysun - 04/09/00 19:15:08
My Email:shadowfeysun@mailcity.com
hello...just plopping along the star trek web links..nice stuff...hope to see more....am signing book because you ask so nice....lol
- 01/22/00 05:39:19
My Email:wrnct@gateway.com
Natalia Carter - 12/25/99 16:58:53
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/soho/lofts/4745
My Email:b5_priestess@yahoo.com
I've been reading lots and lots of X-Files slash lately, while thinking about maybe writing an X-Files slash piece . . . you guys have some of the best I've found!! Bravo!!
My website is currently housing lots and lots of "Action" slash, some "Babylon 5", one "Les Miserables", and some X-Files gen pieces that are very very old. Come on over!!
Louise - 12/12/99 01:12:51
My Email:ferriles@juno.com
Excellent stories!
Ki - 04/28/99 06:42:02
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Area51/Rampart/1470/tomyum.html
My Email:schng@tartarus.uwa.edu.au
Good page! Keep slashing peeps! *wink*
Carolyn - 01/05/99 04:31:09
My Email:persiaa@hotmail.com
Thanks for the announcement letting us know you are here. You can never be too rich or too slashy.