Full name : Marvin The Martian
Birthday : 7 July `48
Creator by.. : Chuck Jones
Cohorten Crime : Commander K-9
hohohoh Distinctive Features :
  1. Green skirt
  2. Broom brush on helmet
Mode of Transportation :
  1. The Martian Maggot
  2. An interplanetarif spacechip
    Frist Apperance        :1948 -=-> Haredevil Hare and opposite 
    Other Notable Apperance:
    1. 1952 -=-> The Hasty Hare
    2. 1953 -=-> Duck dodgers in the 24½ century
    3. 1958 -=-> Hare way to the stars
    4. 1963 -=-> Mad as a Mars Hare
    5. 1980 -=-> Spaced out Bunny
    6. 1981 -=-> Duck dodgers in the 24½ century
    7. 1991 -=-> Bugs Bunny Lunar Tunes
        Current Project :
        1. Tinny Toons
        2. Anamamacs
        3. Tazmania
        4. Space Jam
        5. The simpson
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