Well it's come time for another complete and total change to the ol' website.  I hope you enjoy the new look.  The graphics are compliments of Miz Kitty whose link you will find in the Linkage section under Full Moon Graphics.  She's quite a talented artist and puts all her stuff out there for free long as you link back to her and not bandwidth steal (leech) from her website.  She will also sell complete sets she already has or make one for you.  Check out her website, it's pretty neat.  Otherwise I've done some housecleaning and some rearranging and generally did a complete make-over of my little cyber-home.  So go make some coffee then come back, sit back in your comfy chair, click on Enter and  enjoy my little nest . . .

Oh, btw, if this font seems HUGE, that's ok.  You don't have the font I used in your Windows Font file.  That's quite easy to fix actually.  Just click HERE and download the Gessele font into the following folder:


After that's done, just refresh the page and voila! You can see the really cool font!