Nickname: raygunn
Other aliases: Jehovah, Mr Bubbles, Stuart Diver, Sporty Spice
What Real People Call You: A figment of their imagination
Email Address:
Access Level: 100
Where Are You From: Adelaide
Web Page Address: Not Yet
Comics That You Read: Deep breath -- Acme Novelty Library, Alpha Flight, Astro City, Battle Chasers, Birds of Prey, Captain America, Cerebus, Chase, Crimson, Danger Girl, Deadpool, Eightball, Fantastic Four, The Flash, Gen 13, Hellblazer, Hulk, Invisibles, Iron Man, JLA, KaBoom, Ka-Zar, Legends of the DC Universe, Mage, Marvel Universe, Preacher, Quantum and Woody, The Spirit, Stormwatch, Supergirl, Thunderbolts, The Tick, Too Much Coffee Man, Transmetropolitian, Uncanny X-Men, Wolverine, X-Men, Young Heroes In Love.
The 3 Best Comic(s) That You Have Ever Read: A ridiculously hard question, so I'll cheat and say: Claremont era X-Men, The Sandman #s 1-75, Beautiful Stories For Ugly Children #s 1-30.
Your 3 Favourite Artist(s): Gary Frank -- If there is a Heaven, all the women will be drawn by this man. He's also achieved the impossible in making me buy Gen 13.
Your Favourite Writer(s): Haveta cheat again.....Neil Gaiman, Peter David, Kurt Busiek, Grant Morrison, Warren Ellis, Chris Claremont, Dave Loupre
Something That You Would Like To Add: There's far too much space here, compared to the amount for which comics you read. I'd also like to apologise for the last sentence which seems to make no grammatical sense whatsoever.
Wedge's Addition: I vagually knew raygunn from working in a collectibles store, and had talked comics with him before. He joined #comics a while ago, and makes short, but entertaining returns to the fray that is the chatroom. A reclusive, who will get onto the net when you are not there, ray is a guy that'll chat comics to your grandmother, even if she's dead. This guy shows up less than Hayley's Comet does, but because he's such a good bloke, he made the cut anyhow. Plus the fairy bread photo got me too.