Nickname: ZenMaster
Other aliases: X-File, Sly, Slywalker, Zen, Pretender...and various others..
What Real People Call You: Matt
Email Address:
Access Level: 0 -- who needs it :P *note: he is protected by me*
Where Are You From: Bundaberg, Queensland, Australia, Earth, Milky Way Galaxy
Web Page Address:
Comics That You Read: Spiderman, Simpsons, Star Wars, Batman
Something That You Would Like To Add: "Mind what you have you it can..." Yoda (ESB) -- Jedi Master ZenMaster Sly signing off.............
Wedge's Addition: ZenMaster is one of two of my oldest mates on IRC. We were mates after a while in the old times (before the Empire) in #starwars, and we been mates since. Still yet to meet each other in real life, but know we'll be mates for a long time. This guy has tastes in birthdays -- same day as mine actually (but I'm two years older) -- and we have pissed a lot of people to make sure they don't forget it. Another guy who has been there since the beginning, and a guy you can rely on when you need a chat, ZenMaster is a permanent resident of #comics, so don't forget to say hello.