The Mage's Quest

A Continuing Tale Based on the Ultima Computer Game Series by Origin Systems Inc.

Read the Prologue

Read the First Part

Read the Second Part

Greetings! It's been a year, but I'm back. The Mage's Quest is still here, with the addition of Part Two, called The Land Beyond The Pillars . Thanks to to some help from CorelDraw 8, this page is starting to look a little better.
Above are the links to the different parts of The Mage's Quest. The Mage in question is Erstam, a character met by the Avatar (in Ultima 7, Part 2: Serpent Isle) on a secluded part of Serpent Isle. The story presented above is mostly conjecture, and should not be taken as any kind of official history. The writing challenge I love most is imagining "What made this character the way he is now?"; the results of such pondering on Erstam are shown above.

If you've never heard of Ultima before, the place to go is Worlds of Ultima. They have everything an Ultima neophyte needs to set on his or her path to glory, including links to the Dragons, a huge internet club of Ultima freaks..., er, I mean, fans.

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Ultima, of course, is a trademark of Origin Systems Inc., as are Avatar, Serpent Pillars, Serpent Isle, and all other distinctive elements. No copyright infringement is intended by these pages. The fan fiction piece entitled The Mage's Quest is presented on this site solely for entertainment purposes, and may be freely reproduced, providing that I, Chris Edwards, am somehow credited / blamed. Yada, yada, yada.

All the rest is © 1999 C. Edwards

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