From the diary of Megan:

One of the things which I liked about the property that my uncle owned, was that his backyard was way bigger than the one I was used to back home. It gave the four of us, my brother, sister, cousin, and me, plenty of room to run, in a way that would tire us out. As I didn't know then, the fact that my sister and I, behaved in the exact same ways we had, before the family was split up, was something which didn't meet with the approval of the governess.

She believed that it was high time I stopped behaving like such an uncivilized creature, at the age of eleven, soon to be twelve, I suppose she was right, however, I didn't see why she should be the one to get me to behave more like a young lady, when my aunt was still my legal guardian. My mother explained it to me shortly after I had mentioned such a thing to her, she said that my aunt wasn't doing a good enough job, as far as the subject of my behaving differently went, when she finished, I was very mad at the way she was badmouthing my aunt, when I was done telling her to leave my aunt alone, rather than get angry back at me, my mother said that she would do as I asked, something which made me wonder, was she doing such a thing because I had asked her to, or was there a different reason for this, one which she was going to keep a secret? 1