12/10/00 05:33:18
Name: Bob Banks |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
I'm really enjoying the material you've put on the web and hope your dire prediction about its future, or lack thereof, is too pessimistic. It's going to take me quite awhile to get through all of this that's of interest. I don't remember if I wrote you about the my disappointment with your failure to include Ross Macdonald (preferably "The Chill") on your list of mystery writers. But it's still an interesting read and a valuable resource. I would now have to add Ruth Rendell to my list of unjust omissions, having read most of hers this past summer. Of those I've read, An Unkindness of Ravens (Wexford) series and The Face of Trespass are my favorites.
Great work. Thanks for sharing.
10/12/00 07:47:02
My URL: Visit Me |
11/02/99 08:25:59
Name: Grobius |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
11/1/1999. Trying this out again since it seems nobody has signed the guestbook but myself. Just
to see if it still works.....
07/24/99 17:27:03
Name: Grobius |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Just adding an entry to test this out.