In 1984, the long awaited film adaptation of Dune premiered and quickly bombed. The movie
was plagued with problems including it's incredible length. The movie was also largely
incomprehensible if one did not have an understanding of the novel. Fans of the novel were
also disappointed because the movie did not stay true to the book. Despite all of
these complaints, in recent years the movie has gained the respect of many fans and
has a place along side the novels in the Dune universe. There are, to my knowledge, two
versions of the movie though some people say that there are three or even four. The
extended version of Dune was edited for television and included many scenes that were not
in the theatrical release. Though I prefer the books over the movie, there are several
things that make me love the movie as well. The casting was perfect, the sandworms were
amazing, the soundtrack was beautiful and the scenery and props were terrific. There is new
that the Sci-Fi channel will be remaking Dune into a miniseries.