
Dragon Racing was brought to Second Kingdom by Houston, Gandalf, Celestra, and Serenity.  The rules are fairly simple:

1. The Host will call down players using a prize draw program. when called down unhost and sit on a chair representing the color dragon they want...

2. Play will start with the player to the <<<<left of the screen. :
    Please roll die only when your turn is called, the host will move your dragon
   for you.

3. Rolls:
    On a die roll of 1 - 4, the player's dragon *moves* that number of spaces...
    On a die roll of 5, the dragon falls asleep and does not move that turn...
    On a die roll of 6, the dragon goes back to where the last dragon is - if that
     dragon was the last dragon, he gets to move forward one ...

4. The first dragon to make it to the end of the track wins the race. the race ends
    and the other dragons must remain as the are to determine second place.

5. In weekly games there will be 2 or 3 rounds with prizes distributed
   accordingly (depending on the number of players) Registrations will close at 10    min after the hour.

6. Whether you are playing in a sponsored game for prizes or in a smaller
    group, don't forget to have fun.

Event Prize Distribution:

   there will be 3 rounds in an event with a first place and dp winner.

   The rest of the players will get an aco prize (but remember that there are
   only 10 aco prizes).

Please remember that host is only 10 years old. be kind and not disruptive. Mom is usually monitoring and will not hesitate to ask you to leave game or remove you from turf, if u are mean to the host.

*Moves* are completed by a turf owner/host on the basis of each player's die roll. (Please dont roll untill last player's dragon has been moved.

...click the frog to go back to main page...


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Terry>^^<Gale in Katastrophie Kat =^..^= form
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