The Fanfiction World, the premium site for pages with videogame fanfiction

Welcome to the Improved Videogame Fanfiction World Webring, home of the grand station binding videogame fanfiction authors and pages bloating with that commodity. Whether you read or write fanfiction take the time to browse through the ring and discover the limits of creativity and imagination. Maybe there aren't any either!

This page is frame-free, flash-free java-free, applet-free and annoying-spontaneous-background midi (especially hidden!)-free. Pardon the tables and graphic intensity. It's done entirely with notepad (really... my eyes are killing me!) and should be browser friendly. If otherwise, then your browser is either too old or has socialising problems.

Best viewed with eyes open, monitor switched on and the browser window running and maximized.

Site Index

  • Main Page: This page. Find your way around the site.
  • Updates: What's new in the Fanfiction World. Does NOT include updates of site members.
  • Joining: How to apply for submission to the Videogame Fanfiction World.
    Which sites are eligible to enter and what you must do to be accepted.
    Alternative ring logos.
    HTML code: Get yours here.
  • List: Yahoo!Webring list of sites currently in the ring and a handy search engine.
  • Tips: A few pointers on how to convert your text to a file compatible for the net and a short dictionary on terms often met in the fanfiction universe.
  • Policies: Acknowledgements of copyright information and thanks where it's due.
  • Contact: Information on contacting the ring management and ring members.
Sapfarah is a certified member of
The Fanfiction World webring for Videogames
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