The Aliens Homeworld - A look at the universe through the eyes of an Alien

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A look into the universe through the eyes of an Alien

Our species comes from the darkest corner of the universe. We know no mercy. We feed on the living, and breed on their death. We know only survival. We cannot be stopped. Many have tried, but no man, beast, or Predator can prevent us from spreading. We are the ultimate disease of the galaxy. We are Aliens!

Your species have tried to stop us. You come with many, and leave with few. You think you have stopped us, yet we continue to spread. We care not of race, religion, or gender. To us, you are merely hosts. Birthing chambers for our young, food for our old. With your depletion we shall grow. We have no fear.

We follow our Queen, for she is our master. None other is stronger than her. It is her who brings us life. She continues our species. Her eggs are the life line of our society.

Your kind had a warrior Queen of your own. She has proven most worthy, yet she to fell before our might. We respected her, and tried to bless her with a Queen, but she violated out blessing and ended her life.

We will continue to breed on you. You shall aid in our universal domination. Prepare to learn the truth of us, our plans for you and your kind, and what it is that binds us all together. We are Aliens, and your fate has been sealed!

Those of our kind responsible for this site

Read the Tales of the Aliens

Awards for the Queen

A message from our glorious Queen

The Aliens Homeworld is ALWAYS under construction, making room for more sections and more hosts.


LAST UPDATED: 03/29/98

Thus far, humans have been used to breed our young.

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Alien, Aliens, Alien3, and Alien Resurrection copyright 20th Century Fox. Aliens design copyright H.R. Geiger. All other information, including pictures, pertaining to the Aliens Universe is copyright the respective holders. "Tales of the Aliens" and all stories copyright Drone 1 and Drone 2