.............You have reached the home of the RazorMage................

Welcome to the home of the RazorMage, AKA Ryan Smith.

Due to privacy issues, a lot of personal information has been taken off this site.

As a result, this site now exists purely as a way for old friends to get in touch with me. I have attended Houston Middle School, the American School in London, and Trinity University. If you've been trying to get in touch with me, you're in luck! Use the e-mail address provided below as a means to do so.

This site will later be revamped to serve as my personal portal. After all, the only other people that ever visit here are wierdos and stalkers!

This site is sponsored by Geocities and I'm indebted to Keisuke Omi for allowing me to pirate his source to remember how to do good-looking pages.  It wasn't made with a Mac, but it might have well been.

          Links from previously                 New and improved other links


                        up since 04/10/01  

This site was last updated at 23:55 on July 25, 2003