Melanie looked at herself in the mirror, and smoothed off the last crease in her dress. Perfect, in every way, it accentuated just the right places, and hid the places she didn’t want others to see, sure there weren’t many of those, she’d have to thank whoever gave her her genetics at some point, they’d managed to get everything just right. Ice blue eyes, under those long lashes, a pert little mouth, and her hair, oh her hair, with the faint curl in it, just enough to fit perfectly on her now bare shoulders. Her skin flawless against the beautiful colours of the dress which highlighted her eyes.

She sighed happily, yes, tonight would be a night to remember. She felt sure that her boyfriend, Alexander, this right stud-muffin, with a rich father, would finally get the nerve to ask her the big question to her. First they’d go to the ball, then they’d go out in his car to look out over the town, make love to each other, and then he’d ask her. She sighed again. Yes, yes this time, it would all come to fruition, all the small things she’d done to curry his favour, and wrap him around her little finger. The first time he’d kissed her, even the first time he made love to her, it had all been planned. She’d looked at him at the gym that day and she’d known he just had to be hers.

That’s why this all had to be perfect, that’s why she had to look perfect. She pulled back from the mirror for a moment, and turned slowly around, glancing herself over, no, not a single flaw, she had surpassed even her immaculate standards this time.

Mentally patting herself on the back, she moved and slid her carry purse over her shoulder, and moved down the stairs for the lobby of the Sorority, where Alexander was waiting for her, just like she knew he would be. Coming up to him, putting on her most perfect smile, and tenderly kissing him, she slid her arm into his, and made sure she’d made the right impression, before sliding out of the door with him, heading for the ball.

The ball went perfectly. All the talking to the right people, smiling winningly at the right time, and dancing with the right people. She was so blissfully happy, everything was so great, how could you be happier about it? The amount of people watching Alexander and her, jealousy on their faces, both male and female. Yes, this was truly heavenly.

So on the drive up to the lookout point, she went against all the conventions, and leant against Alexander, her head against his shoulder as he drove. Making sure first that her hair wouldn’t be flattened, of course. He deserved it, he’d been so utterly lovely to her, all night, yes, she was sure of it, this was the night.

Alexander pulled into the parking lot, their own personal place which no one had yet discovered, they’d always loved the privacy, the lights, as they made love to each other. Giggling happily, and teasing each other, they worked their way into the back seat, clothes being slowly flung this way and that.

They happily enjoyed the pleasures of being truly together, but as it went on, things started to happen to her. Her body started to have twinges, pains, and she softly cried out, Alexander looking at her worriedly, but not seeing more, continuing, content that she was alright, and it was just the pleasures of love making causing her to cry out. Looking up at him, she felt the desires, the love for him, that she always had, but something was there now too. A vein was throbbing on the base of his neck, and as she kissed along it. Why did new desires touch her as she did so, she wanted to bite in, to taste the blood. But no! Not Alexander! But, oh, she was so hungry, so very hungry. Pulling back from him for a moment, she looked up with worried eyes, what was this? Murmering happily, Alexander kissed her, asking if everything was alright? A slight nod, her eyes on his vein again. And thats when against everything her mind was telling her, she bit into his neck, mind screaming at her, this was WRONG!

Alexander murmured in pain, or at least that’s what her ears told her she heard, and she felt her body twisting and shifting, and his murmuring turning up in crescendo to a scream. The blood that touched her lips, or what was now where her lips used to be tasted good, and she was hungry, And so she drank, and drank, and drank. Alexander struggled for a moment, but she held onto him, with a strength she didn’t know she even had, soon however he stopped struggling, twitching or moving at all, and she drunk until there was no more to drink. All the time, her mind screaming at her, no, no, no, NO! This can't be happening!

Struggling to get out of the car, she pushed at it with her … hand? It opened grudgingly and she crawled out of it, looking herself over. What was this, why was she so large? She looked like a spider? But she hated spiders! Well a mighty large spider indeed, but still, a spider? Turning slowly on her eight legs, she looked back at the car, seeing the back seat warped, the car bent out of shape by the size and pressure of her body changing shape. Alexander lay there, a bloody rag, his body no where the beauty it had held before. She screamed, or at least tried to, what came out was a scree of some sort, but it was unlike anything she knew anything she knew she could do.

Desiring to be human again, she felt her body changing back to its old self. And then she screamed truely, tears streaking down her cheeks at the horrible sight in front of her, which she, she had caused? But this was all such a nightmare. Reaching over to touch Alexander's face for a moment she blinked back the tears and slowly she started to realise that this must have a reason, there had to be a reason for this, she just had to find it. Moving to the back seat she pulled at the clothes, with a growing sense of detachment, seeing her dress was torn to shreds in what must have been the weight and pressure of her changing. Instead she picked up his shirt and trousers, sliding them on, a little large for her, but they would do.

Feeling a weight against her chest in one of the pockets, she pulled out a small jewellery box. Opening it up, she beheld an ornate engagement ring. He was going to ask tonight. Taking a glance at his body, she shrugged, and slid the box back into the breast pocket. A memento.

Sliding her shoes on, she started to click down the road in her heels, and before she had gone to far, a light from an oncoming car hit her eyes, and she moved with instinct this time, first into the glass near the road, and then, instinctually splitting into a form not to be seen. Her mind again boggled at the scale of what she was doing, thousands of eyes looking up and around, thousands of legs moving, the scales all so new to her. For a moment, she felt overwhelmed, it was too much information, her mind too fractured, and she struggled with it, attempting to focus as she saw the light source slow, and stop.

Slowly she managed it, and she looked out with several sets of eyes. Voices. “Jesus H Christ, what on earth is all this, look at this guy!” Another’s voice. “Did you see someone back there? A female? There’s … shit, there’s a formal dress in here” Hurried footsteps in her direction, and she stayed down, thankful for her small size. “Fred you’re seeing things again, there’s nobody out here at all”, “I could have sworn there was … look Jeff, this scares the hell out of me, this isn’t our mess, this is horrible, let someone else deal with whatever did that to the poor guy and the girl.” Hurried footsteps back to the car, screeching tires, and the light going away.

Satisfied, she focused on all the spiders around her, calling them together. Reforming, she looked down at herself, and then took a second look. She was a male? Well, this was certainly unexpected. Looking down at the form, she saw its perfection, the muscles in places she had not had them before, this body rivalled even Alexanders in structure. Not overly worried by this, more fascinated, she looked herself over, and shrugged, what better way to get away from all this?

Sliding the formal shirt, and longs on, she had a much better fit, and she tossed the high heels deeper into grass, feeling her body still shifting even now. Strange that it would not stay still, perhaps she hadn’t quite yet got the skills yet to keep it steady. It felt like a constant crawling under her skin, a shifting, but somehow, it was comforting, reassuring, a reminder of who what she could be now.

And so she set off down the road, her mind going over every thing that had just happened to her, the possible ramifications of this. Leaving her old life behind her, not knowing that the possibilities were as of yet much more than even she could envision. That she would meet more of her kind, be drawn and meet her queen, taught that she was Hatar, and that the queen would ask her to take on the role of the Wyrsta. That she would likely look different from one day to another, that the shifting would never cease. That the world was so much more than she had ever envisioned, that there were so many more possibilities for her. That night, the sorority girl everyone knew as Melanie Jones died in a tragic death, caused by some horrible creature, her body never found. The night, Kim Bishop was born, whether female, or male, she would serve her queen, do what she desired, but one thing was sure, she would always do it perfectly, with beauty and finesse. Really, how else could one so perfect as her do it any differently?

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