Alien Lava LampAlien Lava Lamp


Cyber Head

Message from RESPAWN

Alright guys. For all you regular visitors out there (although I know that there probably really aren't any regular visitors, myself included) you've probably noticed that I haven't updated my site in a really long time. Well, good work Sherlock. I am unfortunately extremely busy these days, and have absolutely no time what so ever to work on my web page. Therefore it is my sad duty to proclaim that this page is going to be officially put on the inactive list. I just really don't have any time to work on it anymore, so please don't expect any updates any time soon. I will however, be glad to correct any links or any other mistakes that you may find on my website. Thanks a lot.

And no, this site's not quite dead yet. I'm working on a minor redesign. I figure if I have the space, I may as well make some use of it.

NEW!!!!!My 3D Homepage!!!
***Be sure to sign my guestbook.***
Under Construction
This page is best viewed with Netscape 4.X and 1074 X 768 resolution (because that's what I use).

If Murphy's law can go wrong, it will

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Free Speech Online!!

listen 2 sum tunes check sum alien pix
backdoor 2 where i chat my chat room
ICP linkz my other linkz
buttons and icons listen to my station
sign my guestbook view my guestbook
my geocities guestbook sum info about me


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