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Trade Lists
For Sale Lists
Information Wanted


Date: 7/8/1998

From: merlin5@pacbell.net


I am looking for many ponies - please see my want list here I will trade for custom ponies (families, sets, or individuals.) You could specify the symbol, eye color, blush color, misc. markings, glazes (pearl or sparkle), and hair cut and style. As my on hand collection is small, you would have to supply the bodies; but it would be a 100% handpainted job. Please contact via email. Thanks.


Date: 8/14/98

From: Windwhistler@hotmail.com

I have TONS of MLPs and other toys for trade at my web page (http://members.tripod.com/~windwhistler_MLP/trade.html) I am espessially looking for MIB and foriegn ponies. If you find something you like on my trade list, please check my want list to see what I want. Thanx

Date: 3/27/98

From: ktpena@flash.net

I have many MLP's and other Toys for sale/trade including the following:

My Little Pony, Care Bears, Wuzzles, Rainbow Brite, Beanie Babies, etc.

I have want lists. Please email me and let me know if there is something that interests you or if you have something that I am looking for.


Kelly T. Pena

"My Toys" Collectable Treasures

Date: 3/24/98

From: elc@carroll.com (Erin Carroll)

My Want List:

Baby Ponies especially newborns and first teeth, Paradise Estate, Flutter Ponies, Satin Slipper Sundae Shoppe, Blue Belle ( Pale Blue w/ stars ), Bubbles ( sitting down ), Minty ( green w/ shamrocks ), Seashell ( sitting down ), The Waterfall, The Dreamcastle Playset, Apple delight family***, Twice as fancy apple pony, Pink pony with milk and strawberry shortcake symbol, cute-a-saurus friend

* I will only trade for a hard-to-get-pony or a something on my want list.
* Some of the items I have not received yet but have paid for and are being shipped to me

My Trade List

creamsicle the giraffe, pony carrying case (stable), pony carrying case ( castle ) I don't actually have them yet because I just won two off of ebay,

I have about 100-125 ponies and pony friends including hoppity the, kangaroo, if you need a pony ask me, I will trade in many cases. I also have many beanie babies I will trade including many retired ones.

For Sale Lists

Date: 2/05/98

From: SKINNERGC@aol.com

I have the following :

Cotton candy as a stuffed pony, snuzzles, Ember baby pony pink, baby grafitti, bowtie, sunlight, highflier with wings, honeysuckle without wings, sprinkles, little flitter with wings.


Date: 08/18/98

From: pharahotep@hotmail.com (Milky Way)
Hiya! I am looking for the following things:
******Any Sweetheart Sister
******Any Princesses besides Tiffany, Primrose, Pristena& Sparkle
Any Bushwoolies
Any vidoe besides My Little Pony: The Movie
E-mail me for my trade list. I have ponies and a bunch of non-pony stuff too!

Date: 04/20/98

From: heinzfamily@home.com (Edward Heinz)
Here is may want list (*indicates I want it a lot):

All Big or Baby Brother Ponies (except Barnicale)

All Twinkle Eye Ponies*, Tropical Breeze, Peach Blossom, Pink Dreams*, Fire Fly*, Medly, TAF Yum Yum, Wouldn't mind So Soft Ponies (please, no major rubs) I prefer winged flutters, but will acept wingless. Please only C7 or better (don't try to sell me tailless or manes cut to almost nothing).

E-mail me at heinzfamil@home.com The name is Cone, Pinecone

Date: 4/16/98

From: Chocogoody@aol.com

Here is my want list. If any of you guys have these ponies it would be greatly appreciated Thanx.
Chief, Barnacle* , 4-speed, Slugger*, Trickles--rainbow, Pinwheel--rainbow, Baby Gusty*, Baby Moondancer*, Any drink and wet baby pony, with or without diaper and bottle, Star Gleamer---princess brush and grow*, Skylark--princess brush and grow*, Glittering Gem--princess brush and grow*, Any regular brush and grow ponies except Braided Beauty and Pretty Vision, The Rock-a-bye bed*, those with stars are wanted more. please visit my trade page at: http://members.aol.com/chocogoody/tradelist.html

Information Wanted

Date: 7/7/1998

From: invisigoth42@hotmail.com


I saw that you like my little ponies and the sort of toy right? I'm on a search for the company that used to sell what I think was called perfume kitties do you remember them? They were the cats that came in the plastic perfume bottles and they smell like lemons and stuff. Can you help me find the company?


brittany at twit@hotmail.com

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