
My Works

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Setting the Stage...

Well it seems like I've had this section under construction for ages, mostly because being introspective isn't really one of my strong points... and when I do try to be I usually end up scaring myself, thus I tend to keep my profound inner discoveries to myself. Somehow I don't think the world is ready for what I am :).

But seriously, isn't it funny how you can always so easily analyze the components of everyone else's lives but your own. Why is that you suppose? Know what I think? I think its because in the back of your own mind, you always have this perception of how you WANT things to turn out, and these things cloud your judgement. You could NEVER be objective about who you are, and how things in your life will turn out... NEVER. You look at thing from a totally unrealistic point of view, and I dare anyone to tell me otherwise.

So, rather than tell you who I am, I choose instead to tell you what I think. You see that way you can form your own idea of who and what I am, which is what tends to happen in real life anyways, thus I can't be faulted for misrepresentation. So, join me if you will, in delving into what is the intrinsic cornicopia of bullshit that is my psyche... and like DX says "Two tears and a bucket... and if you're not down with that then we got twwwwwooooo words for ya.... SUCK IT!"

My Double Take On...

Coming Soon...

  1. The Big Picture
  2. O Canada
  3. Love
  4. God/Religion

This has been a presentation by
ATR Productions