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The Feminine Psyche - Part II

I must say that I was most pleased with the response I received from part 1 to this theory. Many of my colleagues found merit in my postulate of the existence of separate chromosomes which dictated the before irrational and unexplained behaviour demonstrated by most women. However, many also accused me of omitting minor yet crucial details in feminine behaviour. To those people I must apologize for my inadequacies but the simple fact was that I did not have the time to address these concerns, of which I am only all too aware. One must realize that the feminine psyche is an intrinsically complex structure that no mere mortal man may ever hope to solve. Recent developments in cutting-edge hypothetical theory such as Fuzzy Logic and Non-linear Dynamics have all failed when applied to the Feminine Psyche, hence my approach is to apply non-psychological / physiological solutions to the problem. My theories are simply natural solutions based on the behaviourial observations made around me. Having said this I now wish to placate my readers by continuing with my analysis of the problem.

I shall now recount a few of the paradoxes for which my colleagues seek explanation. I myself have long noticed these anomalies and feverently sought a viable solution. Firstly I shall recount a series of observations made in order to justify to my readers the solution I shall propose.

Observations :

  1. Have you ever noticed how in arguing with women, they somehow are able to recall the most minute of incidences from your past and then dredge it all up just to throw back in your face so that they can win the argument and "prove just how selfish a bastard you are." Now sadly, as men we must realize that we can't win as men forget the past very easily (as per my previous theory on memory capacity. For reader's reference see Memory Capacity). Yet somehow women are able to capture these fading memories and throw them back in your face. HOW??

  2. Then of course we must come to the mother-of-all anomalies. One that has left many a man mystified and dumbfounded as to how he was wrong or what he ever did wrong. This is best illustrated with an example. Have you ever been shopping with a woman (god forbid) and she holds up a dress in front of herself and strikes a pose and says "How do I look?" Now being the honest individual you are (dumb dumb dumb) you say, "I just don't think its you..." Then her face clouds over. "Its because you think I'm FAT right? You think I'm FAT don't you, you overstuffed, overfed PIG! uhhgggg... MEN!..." And she storms off leaving you wondering when you ever said or even implied such a thing.

Deduction :

Hence in accordance with these observations I propose the existence of the Neurological Association Generator chromosome (or the NAG chromosome for short).

NAG has the ability to stimulate neurological synaptical activity thus enabling the feminine mind to recall fading memories in situations where its body may be in dire danger of losing an argument. NAG also has the uncanny ability to be able to track issues such as ex-girlfriends, friends that were "too close for her comfort" and all the times you chose to hang out with your buddies instead of her. NAG may also alter those memories in ways that would ensure her success in the argument because it knows that men will have little or no recollection of the events it spews out. This explains a woman's uncanny ability to dredge up the past.

Now for the second consideration. It is surely not without consequence that women are able to recall these events, and I believe that the dominant side-effect is the illogical conclusions drawn from men's statements. The Feminine brain, because of the constant strain it is under to continually track all events, issues and gossip, loses its ability to draw logical conclusions from statements made. Hence NAG tries to compensate by generating random responses to the situation. And even if it realizes that the association made was weak, it makes the female storm off indignantly before the man has time to recover, think and respond.

NAG-ging is one phenomenon that all men have been exposed to at one point or another. It is unescapable. For centuries men have argued and tried to win but little did they know that they were doomed from the very start. A woman's inherent ability to NAG have enabled them to dominate and defy the wits of men on all occasions. So I say to my fellow man... stop trying to win. Because against the Feminine Psyche, you never can.

This has been a presentation by
ATR Productions