Angel's Crest

"Gaeth a wyrd swa heo scel..."

(Goes Fate where he must...)


Biography page getting done as you read this. Please check it out, and send me any input or suggestions for the story!

Angel's Crest is the story of a group of young heroes in a faraway land, a saga I created back when I was still in junior high. It was the direct result of a childhood spent reading nonrealistic books, playing video games, and watching too many movies. And yet, some may say there is some literary value in my works. I don't know; I just love writing them.

Originally, the story of Angel's Crest was to be told in five separate books, each dealing with a specific period of the realm's history. Alas, time constraints have limited this effort to just one book, Part V, called The Ravager, and maybe the third book, which is rather short and needs major revision (I wrote it in sixth grade). The fourth book is currently in progress.

Please take the time to explore the world of Angel's Crest. I have included a reader's guide to help you understand the not-so-complex universe of characters, places, and terms used in this fantasy world.

New Section: Angel's Crest Memorial Hall of Characters

A Reader's Guide to Angel's Crest

Angel's Crest III: The Third Dark War

Angel's Crest V: The Ravager-A Guide to the New Characters

 Chapters 1-8           Chapters 8-16

"A Walk in the Park" by Namie Amuro
