Dragon Books, part II

These are more books about dragons, but unlike the books on the two Fiction pages, these are scholarly collections of dragon lore or explorations of the evidence of the elusive nature of the Genuine Dragon. The layout is much the same as on the ficiton pages, and the information here should be sufficient to allow you to find these in your local library or bookstore.

Non-Fiction Titles

COMING SOON: Highly recommended non-dragon fiction and non-fiction books, especially top fantasy and historical fiction selections.

If you would like to contact me about any of the books on the list or recommend your own dragon favorites, you can e-mail me at dracnova@hotmail.com

Click on my address to e-mail instantly, or write it down for later if your web browser doesn't have e-mail.
Want stuff with more pictures? Click on List, Part I(A) for the picture books.

Looking for rousing adventures? Click on List, Part I(B) and look no farther!

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