Special Announcement!

Due to unforseen difficulties all of the courses taught and assisted
by Buffy Summers will be taken over by visiting professor
Lara Croft until further notice. Please visit the Martial Science
department office or Profs. DuLac or Giles for further info, or
have a look at Ms. Croft's entry in the Faculty Register.

Ms. Croft helping out with one of Doktor K.'s Aberrent D.I.'s.

MUS would like to take this time to formally welcome Ms. Croft to
the teaching faculty and invite all and sundry to a special
dinner/symposium in her honour. The dinner will be on Friday
July 20 in the Galahad room of the president's mansion. All Martial
Science and Carpathian Studies students with at least S-12
clearance are eligible to attend. Please see Ms. Demouy at the Carpathian
Studies departmental office for details. Tickets will be distributed on a
first-come, first-served basis.