26 September 1966
Southern New England in a small country town, in a two hundred year old colonial neighborhood my family moved in to a quaint little farm house. As we were moving our belongings into our new home, a strange man of small stature named henry approached and welcomed us to the neighborhood. he wanted to let us know a little history about the house. He told us that some poor fellow had his throat slit in the house and had wandered on the his back lawn and fell dead. He also said that there could be some electrical problems with the house because he noticed the lights turning on and off at all times throught the evening and no one had been in the house for over a year. It was a strange little welcome, but there it was.

After a day of moving in, we four kids went up to the bedroom that was set up, to get a goodnights sleep. We talked about the day's events and how strange it was that Henry had told us so little and had abruptly left. Everyone had quieted down to fall asleep, when we heard some one coughing down below in the kitchen. This was odd, because our mother had left for the evening and noone else was in the house. We elected our eldest sibling to go downstairs to investigate. In the process, we heard the cellar door rattling in its jam. So the two eldest brothers, ralph and teddy went downstairs to investigate both the main floor and the cellar and found absolutely nothing out of the ordinary.

27 September
During the night, Teddy saw an old haggared woman standing in the closet. She had long stringy yellow hair. Her eyes were solid white and starring directly at him. Although she was standing, he could only see her from the knees up. With nothing other than a moan, she disappeared. We all laughed, and Teddy reminded of us of the night before and we fell silent.

We all ran down stairs to tell mother about the weird things that had happened to us throughout the night. She said, "Calm down children, it was your first night in our new home. I'm sure you were very tired and just imaging things. I'm busy now, go about your business."

1 October
More troubles upstairs. Today, our sister Darlene, said that she had several restless nights sleeping in her new bedroom. She said her bed is moving. "Moving, what do you mean moving," our mother said. Every time she would get to sleep, the bed would rock from side to side. Last night, the bed was rocking so much, that she jumped out of bed and the bed had stopped. Then she climbed back into bed once more. As soon as she did, the bed began to sway and rock again. "That's enough for me" she said. From then on Darlene slept in the hall closet. this closet was large enough to put her mattress and blankets. It had a three foot by three foot wooden door. The closet was roughly seven foot long and four foot wide. Mother told us that it must be a plase and she would be back in her room at no time at all, but when she started taking her morning change of clothes in to the closet, we knew it would be a while before she would be back to her room.

5 October
Me, Danny, the youngest of the four, was sleeping in my bed and awoke to a strange figure hoveing just inches below the ceiling. This spectre was blacker than black, it seemed to float abouthe cieling, but never to anything distinguishable. This went on for several nights. Then it started to form the shapes of pigs, dogs, and the like. One evening it reappeared without a sound, this time changing into the shape of a human's head, arms, and torso. I did not know what to make of it. It never really scared me, there was no reason, it just floated around. As I thought that, it moved directly over the top of my bed. Then in an instant it descended to within inches of my face. I could feel the sensation of something being within inches of my nose. I slithered out of my bed feet first, never touching hte spectre and ran down the stairs waking mother and pushing her ahead of until we got to my room to find nothing. I told mother that I would no longer sleep in the room. After the previous events, she did not even argue.

I, Danny, was raised in this house for eleven years,and this infestation continued the entire time. As my siblings grew up and moved out on their own, the events became more severe and frequent.

The cellar stairs were made of narrow wood steps, and a two by two concrete landing which I came to rest on regularly. This story takes in the entire time we lived in the house. Since the laundry was in the cellar, I would have to go down there each day. For the first six months, the stair case had no railing. As I would go down the stairs, by the second step, I would "trip" and fall down the flight of stairs, hit the concrete landing and bounce off of the stone wall of the foundation of the house. My siblings and mother would come running during this time to see what had happened and whether or not I was hurt. Usually, I would get up with no more than a scratch on my shin or a bruised elbow.

Mother installed a hand railing and told my to use it always. Everyone said "That boy is so uncoordinated, you should take him to a doctor to see what's wrong with him." Further trips to the cellar were met in the same way, even though I held the railing. By the second step, I was in free fall tumbling down the stairs, usually head first. So, then mother and my siblings would simply holler down the stairs instead of getting up to help and would walk away mumbling, that boy is really uncoordinated you'd think he'd learn how to walk down a flight of stairs by now.

Walking down a flight of stairs was not my problem, because I was able to use the other flight of stairs in the house without any mishaps. I would never try to carry more than one arm load of things down the stairs, so that I could always have my hand on the railing. As I grew into my teens, I began to realize a strange sensation under my feet as I placed my foot on the first step, and this was of two opposing magnets within close range of each other. Even before my foot touched the ground, it would slide out from under me. With literally thousands of falls down that flight of stairs, I was never seriously injured. I never had a problem going up the stairs, in fact I usually ran up the stairs, because I would feel someone right behind me, poking me in the back.

About two a.m., I awoke in the living room, having to go to the bathroom, I got up and headed through the kitchen towards the bathroom. All of a sudden, in a completely quite house, voices of hundreds of people began echoing throughout the room. I stopped dead in my tracks, trying to key in on any of the louder voices, but couldn't, it was like a train station. Hollering in the direction of mother's room to get her to come out, she wouldn't come out. The door was completely shut, it was normally open five or six inches. I hollered for her five or six times at the top of my lungs, but never got an answer. I approached the door, but didn't open the door, because I was too afraid, she should of heard me. I turned around and headed back to the living room and the couch. As soon as I passede through the doorway of the kitchen and entered the living room, all the voices and echoes stopped instantly.

The next morning I told mother what had happened, and she seem very upset that she didn't respond to me that night. She said, "You know I would have come running if I had heard your screams." She said that she had slept sound that night. She did not know why the door was closed, she left it open as usual when she went to bed.

The kitchen seemed to be one of the centers for happenings in the house. There would be foot steps starting there and going up the eleven stairs to the second floor bedrooms. One would always here a foot step for every stair. Then the foot steps would go across my sisters bedroom up to the wall. One day while doing dishes with my mother, I kept seeing out of the corner of my eye a figure through the window in front of the sink. I looked up three seperate times to see only a blur. I caught mothers attention and said, "I keep seeing someone standing on the wall, everyime I look up." So the forth time, I could make out a man in a dark suit. I said, "Did you see that mother." Something was standing there for just a split second. She thought it was just a shadow. the fifth and final time I looked up, I saw a man in a dark brown, gold, three piece, pin-striped suit, with black shiny shoes, gold wire framed glasses and slicked back black hair. He stood there motionless and expressionless. I said to mother, "Do you see that?" She said, "Yes, but what is it, I can't make it out." The visionlasted approximately five to six seconds and then instantly disappeared before my eyes.

I have more incidents to post on this page, so check back from time to time. Free free to e-mail me with your experiences, i'd like to read them.

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