Cat's X-Fools Page

The's not a TV show...

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"I have to know the Truth!!!"
"Alright...I - I think you need treatment."

FBO Special Agents Smoulder and Sulky

>>Transcript and soundfiles of the Firebreathing Boy episode<<

Click for soundfile:
>>Narrator: "Does AD Skinhead really have the legs for Lederhosen?"
The AD: "You bet your ass."

Smoulder: "Little tiny electrodes."
Sulky: "And look, his hand's clutching a hose."
AD Skinhead: "That's disgusting."
Sulky: "Sir, he was electrocuted with his guineapig-testing equipment."
AD Skinhead: "That's what they all say."

The X-Fools used to run daily on various radio stations in England, Wales, Ireland and Australia. To my knowledge, no-one found out who made it or how they got away with it. Apparently it's still running in some places.

Will Smith told me:
"It ended about a month ago (Aaarrghhh!!!) but at least I heard the last episode with Sulky and Smoulder getting married and Smulder having his long lost sister Tabatha as his bridesmaid...*classic* X-Fools."

And Chris Young told me:
"At last, I've found an X-Fools website. The X-Fools is superb; I always listen to it on my way to work (on B97 Chiltern FM, if you're interested; they play it at about 7:40am and ~5:30pm - it is also played on 2CRFM, Northants 96 and probably the rest of GWR.
"Anyway, great site. I enjoyed the Firebreathing Boy transcript, but think there should be lots more transcripts and sound files (especially entire episodes in mp3 format, if possible).

Chris, I would love more transcripts and sound files, but sadly don't have the time to transcribe further episodes - and no longer have the equipment to make sound files of any format. And I haven't heard The X-Fools for a year or so <sob>. But if anyone else feels like having a go, I'd gladly put a link to their page here.

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"Sulky...that's not my torch!"

With gratitute to Giles Moss for the technical advice :-)




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