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Klingon Imperial Diplomatic Corps

Welcome aboard the USS Death Blossom,

the flagship of the Federation

Hello, there. I'm Captain Nelson. Welcome aboard the USS Death Blossom.
I am captain here, and please, feel free to roam around the ship.
Things are constantly added and changed on this ship, so please stop by and check it out every now and then. You might find something new each time you visit. Just, please, don't touch anything vital. I don't want my chief engineer getting mad.

If you like, I can have any of my senior staff to assist you with any of your needs. Just ask them and they'll be more than willing to oblige.

Holodeck 3 and Ten Forward I have set up especially for all the creative types that have had the privilege to visit my ship. Please feel free to add to the expanding gallery of art and imagination in Ten Forward and add to as many of the programs in Holodeck 3 as you wish. This site has been set up for you and will ultimately be mostly by you.

Oh, and may I say, please have a good time visiting my humble ship. I'll be in my ready room if you need anything from me. Please send me your comments about the Death Blossom. I'm open to any criticism, so don't be afraid to speak your mind. Just talk to me in my ready room. Just use the door to the right (click on the link above). I'll be waiting.

And, you are visitor #. Don't you feel special? Well, my duties require me elsewhere. I hope to talk to you soon.

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Take the turbolift to one of these locations aboard USS Death Blossom

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