Lamia by S.O'Neil

The tug of a terrible longing
And the fear of this very need fulfilled,
Dwell close together, aye, e'en as one
In a heart that will not be stilled.
Secrets lie there, buried silently-
Entombed on a moonless night
When thunder rode the crying winds
And lightning split the still hot air.
Veiled she may have thought them,
These secrets in her heart,
But they are visible still to those who would see-
To those who have the sight.
Hunger in her eyes does declare
A need that speaks of pain, tastes of blood.
Sticky smear of fluid on skin soft and white,
The terror of ecstacy that's merely begun.
Nerves so sensitive a simple touch
To cheek or thigh... or breast
Brings relief rushing over like a flood to parched ground,
Puts strongest will to the test.
Listen , my sweet, there's no shame in your need-
Nothing to fear when your heart wants it so.
There are lovers who'll be by your side
When you wake, moaning so soft in the dark-
When you clutch to rake nails
'Cross bare skin in the night,
When you lean over to lick,
To taste of the salt.
Unearth your secrets, love, they've been hid long enough.
Share yourself with us now, give up the fight.

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