NODA'S Fan Fiction

Welcome! Thanks for stopping by! This page contains a collection of stories I've written for Star Trek:Voyager, Stargate SG-1,and Babylon 5.

I feel fan fiction is a testament to the ability of the show's creators to move us--to inspire us to want more of their world other than just an hour-long visit. It is in this spirit that these stories are written. Everyone knows the characters belong to another entity, and this is not done for material gain, only personal pleasure. I hope you enjoy them.


Warning!Many of these stories are of an adult nature and not suitable for children. I am not responsible if you learn more about the world than you should!

Voyager Stories

All Age Voyager Stories
New story added 9907.05 and 9907.18

Adult Voyager Stories
New story added 9911.07

Combined Efforts
Stories I've written with other authors.
New story added 9904.22 and 9901.08

NODA'S Guest Page
A collection of stories from on-line friends. They're good! A new story, Simplicity from Andra Marie Mueller. A sequel to my story Anticipated Arrival. Plus a visual additon courtesy of B'Elanna.

Stargate SG-1 Stories

Stargate Index
New story added 0306.04

Babylon 5 Stories

Babylon 5 Index
New story added 9908.14

Odds and Ends

Personal Junk
Everything you wanted to know about me but were afraid to ask!

WHAT is that smell?

Cooking With Neelix

Someone's in the kitchen with Neelix and it could be you! Check out Cooking With Neelix--"authentic" Delta Quadrant recipes adapted for Alpha Quadrant cooks
Tuvok wait! I think his apron says KISS the cook!

Links To Other Fan Ficton

Today @ NASA
Latest developments at NASA--add some science fact to your science fiction!
Multimedia downloads
Downloads for icons, also two answering machine messages
Computer Sounds
Download Star Trek's computer "voice" onto your PC or laptop! Sounds for Windows, AOL and Macintosh
Star Trek In Sound and Vison
Downloads for Windows 98 desktop themes, sound clips and much more!
Star Trek On-Line Postcards
E-mail Star Trek: Voyager post cards!
Star Trek Nexus
Great over-all site with tons of links to Star Trek special interests
Star Trek WWW
Definitive index to everything Star Trek

This site (or parts of it) was updated on 0402.06

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