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Strange Things


Thanks for checking out the site - as you can see, it’s still under construction, but hopefully there will be some actual content appearing in the next week or two…

This area is really a general-purpose "catch-all" for subjects which don't fit into any of the other sections... It will be loosely divided into "Animal", "Vegetable", "Mineral" and "Other"...!

Animal: covers subjects such as the Loch Ness Monster, Sasquatch, el Chupacabra (the "Goatsucker"), raining fish and frogs, cattle mutilations, sea serpents, "living fossils" and "pet telepathy".

Vegetable: "Holy Symbols" in plants, plant emotions, spores from space etc.

Mineral: Martian meteorite controversy, discontinuities in the fossil record and vitrefied forts

Other: Strange machinery, such as the "Bagdhad Battery" and "Antikithera Mechanism", Quantum physical phenomena and other "Weird Science"

If you have any relevant submissions, then e-mail them to me, quoting "Strange Things" as the subject header.

Thanks to GeoCities for making this project possible!


Peet, May 9th 1998

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