Welcome to Alexandra Cook's Emerald World

Emerald World


A long ago in a galaxy that was named by its habitants El Maiyo or "Heaven River" the human civilisation existed. Humans were doomed to fight the evil till the Last Day. There were three main races of humans: heartily wise Terrestrians, severe Eians and their descendants, terreians, born in Space.

Humans were surprised at mysterious Precursors - Hinessians whose power was out of understanding and they were rather afraid of the fine immortal Almenians who knew the Answer. Knights of the Great Co-Energation, reticent Tchets, Space Wanderers, true Terii, and Dakass Monks inspire them with fear, contempt, or hope.

Humans have survived wonderful and terrible events; they had many wars when they killed each other. One of the last wars, the Big Civil War was much more devastating and absurd than previous conflicts.

On the small planet of Giat IV, ruins of the Crystalline Tower have been found. Under the detritus, amateur paintings, diaries, manuscripts, holograms, log-books, and other things which belonged to the crew of the "Naer-Diriget" spaceship were buried. You can see some pictures here. They are remnants of the world that has gone...



On Almena - a picture found in Crystalline Tower


Lady Svetlana at Asmeamon Palace


Hawehiobar's Meadows


Almenian Elret with the manuscript containing some names and dates on background


The song about someone who haven't sung. Avery and Tyb on the "Naer-Diriget" spaceship


Everything here is based on the story which me and my co-authors have been writing for about 10 years. Initially the writing was inspired by famous sci-fi and fantasy stories (e.g. Star Wars and Tolkien) through each of the authors had started to create the own world long ago. This page will be updated by more of my painting, drawing, handwork, photography, computer 3D models, stories, verses, etc. To see more go to the Destination Page.

If you have any comments you are welcome to contact me writing at cook_alexandra@hotmail.com

My art page is here.
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