
Naer Diriget Crew (also known as Phoenix Detachment)

* Tybor (Tyb) Mitchell of Urpa, capitan 
* Clari Lusamba of Urpa, first pilot
* Avelior (Avery) Ankiriony Y'Maitoo of Lauss, second pilot and signaller
* Ruella (Roo) Waker (real name: Ruella Iliantoo Y'Vaik) of Eia, navigator
* Rufo (Ruf) Belegin of Beres Frid, mechanic
* Gaiana (Gaia) Ankiriony Y'Maitoo of Blue Mountaints Land, contacter 
* Carolina Tower of Ilmabad, medical officier 
* Linandara Aboetery of Almena, biologist


* Ferdinand Pakal of Terray
* Ankirion Thani Y'Maitoo of Lauss, navigator
* Svetlana Mihailovna Govorova 
* Alexander Mihailovich Govorov (also known as Patraquero), Iliodor
* Palgrenn Y'Tatl of Harava
* Kin Tenery Aboetery of Almena, Achiatl (also known as Inni Y'Aiu 789 and Pavel
Sergeievich Volkov)
* Bey Amon Aboetery of Hiness, Achinal
* Liann Vin Aboetery of Almena, At-Achinal
* Mevon Aboetery of Almena, At-Achiatl
* Gev Aboetery of Almena, At-Achiatl
* Ekain Aboetery of Almena
* Tiann Abo Aboetery of Almena
* Mark of Lauss
* Drianna of Lauss 
* Ilian Reitoo Y'Vaik of Eia, Emperor of Solar Empire
* Bello Cumbala, President of Solar Republic
* Josef and Stanislav Liashevsky of Meru
* Ali-Marts Y'Camados, Magister of Black Co-Energation
* Andrew Lucash, Magister of White Co-Energation
* Ilmorendirus the High of Dacass
* Dmitry Mitchell
* Mikhail Govorov of Greenfildor
* Xenia Mitchell of Greenfildor
* Ben Mitchell of Greenfildor
* Jean Mitchell
* Jane McGill of Antonia 

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