This is info on Positions in Tai Yevin's Regiment
At the moment I have a myriad of jobs open
To apply for this job you must ba able to pilot
If you can not pilot I have no room unless you are a special exception
Mail me if you think you have something to offer to me besides Piloting
If you can pilot and are willing to fight against what remains of the Empire then
There is very little chance I will turn you away
I accept 95% off all pilots that apply to a starfighter piloting positon
This job pays very well and all of your equipment is provided to you
If you are a tech then I also have a large number of jobs open
80% of aplicants will start out in either the pilot or Deckman position
around 13% will be a Sr. Deckman or Squad Leader
and maybe 2% of aplicants will start at Petty Officer...
I can use any people and will gladly answer any questions you have...
At present I have 3 companies and each company has 3 platoons in it...
I am taking applications to Lieutenant over platoons... I only have a few spots open so hurry
If you have a mercenary unit or squad I may hire you out but I would rather have your loalty
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