Yevin Works Rapier---- 3 million Credits Craft: YevinWorks Rapier Class StarFighter Crew:1 Passengers:1 besides pilot can fit but he can do nothing Consumables:1 month Hyperdrive: Yes Nav Computer: Yes Maneuverability: 5D Hull: 5D Shields: 4D Weapons: Universal Missile Tube Can launch any known type of Projectile 4 Heavy Laser Cannons (Fire Linked) Fire Arc: Front Damage: 7D 2 Extra Heavy Modified Torch Cannons(Fire Linked) Fire Arc: Turret Damage: 10D 1 Extra Heavy Plasma Cannon Fire Arc: Front Damage: 12D Firing this weapon requires 1 round of recharging after This weapon requires the pilot to reduce other cannons to 25% Recharge Rate... 2 Heavy Ion Cannons Fire Arc: Turret Damage: 4D Ion Damage Accessories: Sensor Mask -Blurs sensor readings enough to not be able to distinguish between The masked ships and others Sensor Thief -allows the equipped ship to copy another ships exact scanner charecteristics and ship information Phantom Torpedoes - These torpedoes match exactly the info on the ship that fires it and they match the speed