Well, well, well. I was so impressed with this episode!! Great characterization, and though there were a few misshaps as far as consistency and the like, this ep was full of Relationship, Conspiracy, and good old X-Files "scary stuff". Seas of Blood and plagues of Locusts...the biblical version of great changes to come. However, as any shipper would, I had major issues with the Diana Fowley thing. I was so happy when Skinner came in and made her leave, although I was surprised to see him back down so quickly when she caught him and Kritchgiau
Someone on the alt. newsgroup brought up a point that had to do with the Mulder/Scully scene in the hospital. Mulder knew she was there long before he could even see her, obviously because of his strange new sense. However, this person said that they were disappointed with the scene because "Mulder's face was just dying for a caress or kiss" and that they were unhappy to see that Fowley was the one to do this. My response to this was that perhaps we didn't get this from Scully because she was already on the verge of tears, and a near-Scully-breakdown is a rare thing in itself. Anyway, that was just my take on the scene. Everything Scully said in voice-overs was insightful as to what she feels for him, so I'm not sure we need to worry too much about the 'ship, although next week's preview has me close to a panic attack.
So, what's in store for our favorite agents next week? Plenty. As the previews show us, we can expect a major turn of events with CSM as well as with Fowley...grrr...All I can say about the scene with Fowley and Mulder is that I HOPE it is either a flashback, or Mulder's leading her on big time and will SHUT HER DOWN!!! YEAH BABY! ::offering up a silent prayer in hopes for the MS 'ship::
Come back for more next week, and please feel free to send comments in as well!