*"The Amazing Maleeni", 7x08*

An interesting Light ep, in my opinion. Well done!! I really enjoyed this one, with all the humor and magic involved. As Mulder says, in this episode, "The Plot Thickens..." I like the way Scully went along with everything in a calm, sort of humouring way, and when Mulder figured it all out in the end, I was just about laughing my head off, especially when he went through the way everything happened. Another great part was where Mulder dumped the Amazing Maleeni out of his wheelchair, much to Scully's shock, only to find that his theory (one of many in this ep) was correct.

Another great part was where Mulder snatches his ID back from the other magician, which I thought was a great display of his frustration, and no one can forget the last scene where Scully twists her arm all the way around, and Mulder chases her out the door to find out how she did it.

Overall, a really excellent episode. I thoroughly enjoyed this one, and I can't wait til they show it again. I have to say, it is definitely one of the great light eps of the show's history.

And we can't forget that Maleeni mistook our favorite "agents" as a married couple...or Mulder's reaction. (evil grin).

Come back for more next week, and please feel free to send comments in as well!