Gadgets we like - while fooling around, err, working in the vast expanses in and around Outpost 7

We're not endorsing any of this junk, we just like it.

Smart Media - Cool little data storage devices normally used for digital cameras and MP3 players, excellent for transferring and transporting data up to 128MB.

ZiO! - Handy little read/write device for SmartMedia cards, hooks up to the USB port of a PC.
(Windows XP doesn't want us to install the driver)

Personal Strobe Devices - We play with these a lot. The bright orange waterproof US Coast Guard approved type that use a "D" cell battery are inexpensive and lightweight, good for locating, signaling and marking.

FRS Radios - Previously we've used the 49 MHz type (which never had quite enough range).

TracFone - Lyle doesn't have cellular, but carries one of these in his vehicle for emergency use.
(switched to cellular after loosing accumulated minutes during failed "redeem minutes" process)

Ni-MH Batteries - Move over Energizer bunny! Hawk has been using a set of "AA" batteries in his digital camera for several years, with no noticeable loss in charge capacity. Our FRS radios and cell phones are powered by Ni-MH packs.

Digital cameras - Hawk has been using digital cameras for several years and has finally convinced some of us.

GPS - The small handheld units (powered with Ni-MH batteries :) are great for getting us, err keeping us from getting lost. We're planning a Geocache, but have been trying to find a suitable location.