Hey, you found the non-prize list. Good for you! I gotta hide this thing better!
The non-prizers are:
Sabre- SHEESH! ANOTHER finder of the ever-elusive site. I'm gonna move this thing if this continues...

Justin- Another hidden site finder. That thing is just to easy to find!

Iron_man86- Found my hidden site!

fishbrane- Non-prize for being my pal, and for just being here. B-)

_polar_- Non-prize for being a good bud, finding the hidden site, and for helping with my HTMLing and stuff. Also, he was visitor #1000. YAY! Oh yeah, he also gets one for his creative answers in my quiz. HEHEHE, this guy cracks me up!

Toozin- Honorary non-prize winner for completing the quizz with 100%, getting leters and suggestions displayed, and creating the page.

Lord Cyber- Honorary non-prize for being my friend.

ORB- Non-prize for being so dang smart!