There is worse pain than yours...

Kalyandra's Nine Inch Nails Page!

"It's black and white and all that other stuff..."

lost souls is finally OPEN!!!

Go to see it here:

NIN VIDEO!!! Starsuckers, Inc.

The video is really cool, so you just have to see it. It kind of reminds me of The Perfect Drug in a way, but completely different. You'll see what I mean.

See the screen shots at God Money's Altar!

or you can download the video! (thanks to Halo99)

On a side note, I have added new pictures, so now there are 253 I believe. However, the page is temporarily down, I had to change the format a little bit for better organization. Now they will be organized by time period.

Just because it's not his birthday doesn't mean we can't celebrate!

Bio of Trent Reznor

Trent Reznor's Family Tree

Big Day Out

God Money?

Want to take a NIN poll?

Listen to some music (cough cough NIN cough), go here:

Go back to Kalyandra's a Little of Everything Page!

And now...all that linky banner stuff:

halo 99

the nin hotline archive

halo ninety nine


This Nothing Records Webring site is owned by Kalyandra.

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This page was created on Wednesday, October 20, 1999.

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