Team Chicken Salad's Supply Dump
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Welcome to our humble nuclear hardened, demon proof, underground Mother of the Mother of all Bunkers.  There have been  agents that have accessed this dump.  If you have no clue as to what you just walked into, here is an explanation

 Last updated : December 3, 1998 

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 A Short Note about this site
I have attempted to not duplicate any information that can be found in any of the publications of any B13 RPG book.  I realize that their publication is their livelihood,  and have tried my hardest not to duplicate any of their stats, but to put references to the source of the information.  This is not a gimmic to get you to buy all of the books, it is just respecting the author's work, copyrights, and keeping me out of trouble. 
If I have duplicated any data from any copyrighted material, please let me know ASAP.  The material will be removed, or I will remove the offending page entirely until it is rectified. 

Page Developers History.
I have been running Bureau 13 as a GM since 1995, and have been collecting data, tips, trick and general info over that time.  I have hosted a Bureau 13 LARP, and have only ever played in a Bureau game as a player character twice  in my life.  But I really like GMing Bureau more than playing. As far as HTML is concerned, this page was built using a combination MS-Word, Netscape Communicator, CorelDraw 8, AutoCAD r13, Edit, Edlin, sweat, grease and blood. 

© 1998
Bureau 13 and Stalking the Night Fantastic ©1992 by Richard Tucholka, All Rights Reserved
If you have comments or suggestions, email me at
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