Elizabeth Lewis

Picture of Elizabeth Lewis

Character Stats:

STR: 6    DEX: 8    INT: 11   CON: 9   APP: 8   POW: 10   SIZ: 11   EDU: 19
SAN: 50   IDEA:55   LUCK:50   KNOW:95

99 - Cthulhu Mythos: 99   Damage Bonus: -

Sanity Points: 47  Magic Points: 10  Hit Points: 9

Character General Info:

Occupation: Professor
Colleges & Degrees: Ancient History
Birthplace: Morton, Long Island, New York State, USA
Mental Disorders: None yet (Derriere Disfunction?)
Sex: Female
Age: 50

Investigator Key Skills:

General Skills:

Archaeology: 45%
Bargain: 38%
Climb: 40%
Computer Use: 30% *
Credit Rating: 45%
Cthulhu Mythos: 00%
Dodge: 16%
Drive Auto: 30%
First Aid: 41%
History: 60%
Jump: 25%
Library Use 70% *
Listen: 27%
Occult: 15%
English: 95%

Latin: 20%
Hindi: 10%
Hebrew: 25%
Arabic: 15%
Egyptian: 10%
Singhalese: 10%
Kymer: 10%
Japanese: 10%
Persuade: 55%
Psychology: 49%
Ride: 10%
Spot Hidden: 71%
Swim: 50%
Throw: 25%


Handgun: 20%
Machine Gun: 15%
Rifle: 25%
Shotgun: 30%
SMG: 28% Taser: 20%

Melee Weapons:

Fist: 50%
Grapple: 25%
Head: 10%
Kick: 25%


9mm GLOCK 17 Pistol
TASER Pistol
Archaeology Equipment
Cameras (Still & Video)
Can of MACE spray
Winter weather gear
Body Armour (Vest)
Mobile Phone

Apartment (on University Campus)
Small Car

Income: $25, 000
Assets: $125, 000

Background Info:

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