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     What can you find here? Well there are links to the Society for the Creative Anachronism (SCA), Links to the SCA, Medieval information links, Fantasy links, and of course info on Household Bentbow!

       This page is dedicated to household that took me in and gave me the strength, love, and guidance to further myself in the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) and the man that introduced me to it all: Lord Eric Bentbow.
        Lord Eric brought me into the Bentbow house hold as his first "son" making me the eldest son of the household.  I had been a struggling fighter trying to learn the rudiments of armored combat back in 1984. With his guidance and training I learned much and eventually became Marshal of our local Shire (Shire of Rauchender Berg). I then had the chance to impart the knowledge I had learned from him to our fledgling fighters. I then had the honor bestowed upon me of becoming the Household Champion.
What you can find on this page is links to other SCA sites, fantasy art links and a collection of other things. Feel free to browse the site and hopefully you can find areas that interest you here!




Household | Gallery | Medieval Resources | Fantasy | SCA Links | Songbook | E-mail

Disclaimer: This web site is not an official agent of, nor representative of, the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc., and does  not delineate SCA policy.

All official inquiries should be directed to the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc., P.O. Box 360743, Milpitas, CA 95036-0743; (800)789-7486.