You need not belong to any particular religion
to have Fae, Mer or Animal Spirit Guides though
or to feel a connection with Nature.
We are all born with  that innate capacity.
What ever faith you choose should simply
help you honour those connections positively,
while honouring  your own soul
& that of others.
Anything in addition, is just extra benefits or detractions
from that, depending on what it is, what you do with it,
what else you believe in & feelings & so on.

We are also unique.
There are several fae/fey or faerie faiths out there,
or spiritual systems or even religions,
that use the word fey or faery &
* they can actually be quite different from one another*.

One may be right for you & another might not,
this makes it no less valid for someone else,
& as long as it doesn't encourage subjugation,
or the oppression of females or lads or colours,
or try to destroy nature & the planet,
then that is their business, we suppose.
Disclaimer Introduction:

There are different Faery Faiths.
You may ask, "How can this be?"

Just as there are many christian religions that
can be very different from one another
although they may all use the word "christ",
many claiming that they are the "real one",
there are also many variations of religions
that use the word fey /fae/faery in some form,
yet have very different belief systems,
which one or the other will call the "real one".
(Usually the one they like or want you to like.)
There are many other religions that use the words fey or faery.
There are too many to go over in depth here.
This writer does not pretend to know about all of them.
If you hit your search engine you will find several
very different kinds & it may even be confusing at first.
When we first started on the net, there were only a few others,
now there are hundreds of "faery" sites & , at least.
(There are even some  modern ones adapted from a mixture
of voodoo, huna & some other paths, that use the word fey to
describe some  types of spirits, as well)
Furthermore,  there are also fey/fae/faery/fairy ones that
stem from shamanism or different types of druidry
or old european or Blessed Isles folk-faiths
or anything in between, including mostly those
(that do not use what is called voodoo at all.)
There are even some christians & wiccans/wiccens
have their branches
that include some of their own faery/fairy study or adaptions.

There are even some that use the word fairy/faery  that have
nothing much to do with any of them at all.
So you can see that there is allot of variety even amongst those.

Some of them are even rather spooky,
yet many of them are enriching, just in different ways.
You decide for yourself,
what's in a name.

So if you read one description of
"fey" or "Faery" or "fairy" faith
or "faery shamanism"
don't think it applies to all.
Really only each one of them, themselves,
can tell you what they are really about .
Although, there are  usually deeper hidden mysteries,
Before you commit any payment  for studies ect...
if that will be required from them,
they should at least be able to tell you enough
for you to determine if they are safe for you,
or what moral or other sacrifices
will be required of you or not.

That is just common sense advice for any path,
so that you can avoid an obvious  chance of exploitation
or even major harm.


More Questions you could ask yourself
Perhaps, Ask yourself some simple questions first, if you like.
Before paying to join a church, religion or path of study,
have you thought about what you can really live with?
Are they so immoral that you wouldn't be able to deal with it,
then tell you there is no such thing as good or bad,
right or wrong or no such thing as being honorable ?
Do they lay blame for that at the feet of the Fey,
to coerce you to cause harm or accept harming others?
Or is it the other extreme?
Are they so morally strict or controlling
that you would find it stifling to your spirit?
Do they have an ethical code you can live with?
Do they have any ethics at all?
Are you attracted to faery faiths, but embarrassed of the name?
If so what extremes are you willing to go to
to validate your choice to others?
Could someone exploit that?

Do you think it must be bland, hard tough,
ugly or cruel, stoic or overly intellectualized
to escape the "not-real" label?
Do you have to buy several of their friend's books
in addition to their own fees, in order to follow their course?
Does paying for all this only,
entititle you to a "meaningless title" that
they claim only they have the authority to give you?
Will this supposedly give you prestige in the so called "scholarly circles"
they they ascribe to or will it have real meaning to *You* ?
Does it focus on academia to the point of
crushing the spirit of the fey or you?
Do you even care about such labels?
Do you know what they really mean to others & yourself?
Do the words mean the same or different things?
How strong is your own identity?
Are you bigger on what other people think about you,
than on what the Fae are about?
Do you merely want to try to force favors from these beings,
or do you want mutual friendship or something else?

However, You need not belong to any particular "religion"
(including our own faith)
to have Fae, Mer or Animal Spirit Guides though
or to feel a connection with Nature.
We are all born with  that innate capacity.
What ever faith you choose should simply
help you honour those connections positively,
while honouring  your own soul
& that of others.
Anything in addition, is just extra benefits or detractions
from that, depending on what it is, what you do with it,
what else you believe in & feelings & so on.
