Lammas of Lleuw & Arianhod
Lleuw is the Welsh or Brit' version
of Solar Son Diety Lugh.
The mythology surrounding his parentage, fosterage & life
are actually quite different though.
In Welsh mythology or history,
(depending on how you look at it)
Shall we say in the tales or old stories.
Lleuw was the son of Arianhod.
About the Story of Lammas
-& British/Welsh Lleuw
& Arianhod & more
In Progress: More to Come
Some of the friends that we personally like
to meditate about & celebrate now are;
The Flower Women
The Cat,
The Eagle (Iolair)
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& Sun Fey Fire Fest...
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copyright 1999 flowerfey
Some images created by us too. ;o)
Thank you for those who shared something with us.
Copyrights remain with their respective owners.