Salvador Rosillo and his Face on Mars Sculpture as seen on CNN News

Click here to watch Streaming Video clip from CNN Interview

Salvador Rosillo is an artist living in New York City, who studied Cinematography and Anthropology at Columbia University, receiving BA's in both Anthropology and Cinematography, and a Master's of Fine Arts Degree in Cinematography.

Salvador created this first large scale replica of The Face on Mars over a 2 month period in 1997. Salvador has been creating Space and other Dimensional Artworks for over 20 years and has been exhibited internationally. Flying Saucers and Rockets were part of his one-man show, The Missile Age, at the Prisunic Gallery in New York City in 1988. 

This Face On Mars Sculpture was first shown to the press on July 4th, 1997 in conjunction with the Pathfinder's Mars Landing, which was the first Mars Landing in 21 years. Salvador was interviewed by Jeanne Moos for CNN News on July 22nd, 1997, and the above images are from that broadcast.

News 2000: This Face On Mars Sculpture was shown at a press conference on March 10th, 2000 in conjunction with the premiere of the Mission to Mars Movie.

Click here to see NEW Streaming Video of Salvador Rosillo in Motion Throughout the World in 2001!

Click here to see Images of Salvador Rosillo in 2000!

Click here to watch Streaming Video of Salvador Rosillo Painting!

Click here to see New Images, Animations of Sculptures and Paintings by Salvador Rosillo!

Click here to see Historical Photos Salvador Rosillo and his family!

Copyright 1997-2001 Salvador Rosillo, All Rights Reserved

For more information or to purchase your own replica of The Face on Mars, please contact Salvador Rosillo at

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