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- The Belgariad Web Ring is officially open!
- Who saw them?
- Plans for the future.
- Announcements.
- Our little Web Ring begins his activity!
While majestic sounds fills the air Prince Kheldar, returned from the far Mallorea enters the room.
The tunes grow in intensity as King Belgarion of Riva and his lovely wife, Queen Ce’Nedra of the Borunes steps in.
Then, after a moment of silence, a gentle melody begins... Lady Polgara, dressed in blue, appears on the door, accompanied by her aging, er...
eternally young *s* father.
"My dear friends!" says Belgarath "This is a great moment in history and it will be remembered by everyone during the following years: today the
Belgariad Web Ring isn’t a dream anymore, nor it is covered by the mists of plans and projects... Finally we gathered here to witness this great
Event and I therefore declare the Web Ring open!"
As the echo of his words fades away the crowd (he summoned it so you may think of it as a claque) starts cheering.
Then a document is prepared:
"Today, by Will of the Gods, the Belgariad Web Ring begins its activities.
The founding members are (in order of appereance in the Ring):
Lady Polgara
Ce’Nedra, Queen of Riva
King Belgarion of Riva
Prince Kheldar of Drasnia
The Web Ring is open to anyone using a nickname taken from David Eddings books (also Elenium and Tamuli) with the following restrictions and rules:
- Only one person for each name. A new member can’t use an already present name.
- Only a member can invite someone to join and he must know the invited person so trash mail in our mailboxes or rude behaviour in the Chat
Rooms can be avoided.
- To join the Ring, a message must be sent to the Ancient and Beloved, by a current member containing the e-mail address of the future member.
- Each Tolnedran Imperial Pri... (sorry, that was Vo Mimbre *s*).
Prepared and signed by the founding members the 22nd day of April, 1998."
As soon as the last member signs the document the celebrations starts, but that’s another story...
As you all know we are looking for new members. Currently Xera, Beldin and *sigh* Torak are being contacted and should join us soon (and I’m
preparing myself to give Torak a warm, nay a hot, nay a "burning" welcome! I already see the title in the newsletter - "Today’s Menu: God Flambé" *lol*).
When you are in Chat Rooms always look out for people who may join our Ring!
As soon as we reach 10 members we may start a Web Ring for our Web pages and I’m currently contacting my provider to start a mailing list for us!
- Announcements.
(As Pol says: "Remember, this space is yours for announcements")
Polgara recently wrote:
"I think it would be a good idea, once we're more or less grouped, to create a forum somewhere where each of us can write about him/herself. Or, bar that, it would even be simpler for each of us to send a generalized e-mail to all the others (one or more of us can have fun
thinking about fields to fill).
I'm looking forward to this! Especially if we're a true group, ie we all get to know each other, become friends, and no-one remains a stranger.
It's good to see that advanced age hasn't totally deprived your wits of bright ideas..."
So I'm sending each one of you a simple questionary. Don't fill it yet but take a look and add any field you'll like to see and send it back to me. I'll add all the changes and send back the final questionary.