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- Seven!!!
- The story continues...
- Announcements.
Filled with pride (and pompous as usual *Got me - lol*) Belgarath stands in the center
of the room and says:
"Our dear friend Silk, while swindling (Yes Silk. It is the right word... At least I
believe its the only one that comes close to describe part of your activities *Got
you*) customers all over the world encountered a Lady you should all know and, as she
heard about our Ring, she decided to join us...
Ladies and gentlemen, I have the pleasure to introduce Lady Adara!".
Our Ring is growing fastly and there are currently 7 members:
Lady Adara
Lady Xera
Lady Polgara
CeNedra, Queen of Riva
King Belgarion of Riva
Prince Kheldar of Drasnia
(The following information was obtained by me and Javelin some days ago)
Prepare ye! For the time of joy is upon us!
The 6th July, 1998, Voyager (Harper-Collins Group) will release...
"The Rivan Codex"
by David and Leigh Eddings
It is a collection of background materials for the Belgariad and
Mallorean sagas.
The price should be £ 19.99.
As you can see our story is not over yet!
Empty! *sigh*
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