(To unsubscribe shoot at the drasnian spy delivering it.)
- In bright armour arrayed...
- About the questionaires.
- Announcements (not empty anymore).
"Ladies and gentlemen, I have the pleasure to inform you that Sir Mandorallen,
Baron of Vo Mandor, joined us some days ago... Unfortunately he's not here right now
but..." Belgarath stops for a moment and looks at the wall...
"Amazing! I thought it was a giant tea pot! Welcome Mandorallen!"
Our Ring is currently composed by:
Sir Mandorallen
Margravine Liselle "Velvet"
Lady Adara
Lady Xera
Lady Polgara
CeNedra, Queen of Riva
King Belgarion of Riva
Prince Kheldar of Drasnia
Each time a new member joins us I send him/her a copy of the questionaires
as well as an empty one to fill.
Unfortunately this may become very cumbersome as new people joins us quite often so I'm
adding a page that will contain the questionaires to the Web Site. If, for any reason,
someone doesn't want his questionaire to appear there notify me immediately and I'll
remove it.
The URL for the questionaires is:
Announcement from Xera, Ce'Nedra and all the other dryads:
Greetings, all! We'd just like to inform you that June 1st is the yearly
Dryad-Day! *S* It means that all people are supposed to be very nice to all dryads and
give them LOADS of sweets.And we mean L O A D S *g*
This takes place because the dryads celebrate that the summer is here, and that the spring
is over. (And you know what dryads do in spring, right? That's why they want sweets on
Humans have never before got to know about this day, but we thought that since we've
become more social we should take the chance and get more swee... Uhm... To learn the
humans more about our kindred...
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