Passions Spark In Kindleydreams

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Oh, Magnificence!       "Sex is a gift, an enriching experience." Duong Ling says. "Treat Yourself Well. Don't cheapen SEX.

We're in the process of reclaiming the beauty and magnificence of our sex and sexuality -- that integral part of us that accounts for who we are. Our discussions are frank. The joys are wonderful. Join us regularly. Re-discover your authentic self.

Are you in love? You're not sure. Before making another misstep why not visit the love hut. Take a look at yourself in the love mirror. Babe and Hon will be returning this fall to get you in shape. Psst. Don't forget to share what you find with you know who.


There is an art to sexual communication


Try this sensual exercise:
It's part of Dr. Ling's series on improving the quality of intimacy. Ling continues to reveal some of the best ways for improving intimacy and enriching lives journeying through Kindleydreams.

This Week's Sexercise
- Soul-Gazing -

Before making love, gently rest your hand in the palm of your lover's hand. Look in each other's eyes. Breathe together.


Do you know who you are?

Do you love who you are?

Let's Talk About Sex
Frank, Fun, and Informative! Joshua Prakash remarks about Duong Ling's teachings on the art of sex, after Lydia's show. Ling is poetic and he is wise. "The sacred wonder of this ancient art Ling teaches will delight you too," Joshua whispers to excite Mona. "Why don't you join us for a session?" Of course, there are other discourses in Kindleydreams, but feel these facts. "Sex is not a new discovery nor a dark and dirty secret to be swept under the carpet," Duong Ling teaches. "Discover yourself. Be yourself. You'll be far better off."

Love Bug Hugs
Your sleeping position reveals an amazing lot about you and your love life. Unfortunately, Phoenix Jones was unaware of this. She had no idea the way she slept betrayed her attempts to manipulate Fred. Match yourself with the ten sleeping positions. Do you enjoy the spoon position or the honeymoon hug? Are you a crab in bed or just a slat? It says a lot about your intimate relations. See what some folks in Kindleydreams are doing with this.

Eight Sizzling Sex Secrets Tropical People Know
Tropical Islands are the sexiest places on earth. Scented breezes. Langurous paces that lets you ... oh, why listen to me. Meet Mark and Giji. You certainly don't have to be in the tropics to have this much fun. Peel a mango and pull up a chair. And, don't blush. Back up to this very spot later if you must, but right about now on the third floor of Kindleydreams there is a lot to explore. Oh, if you must be told, behind the thicket near Prince Pete's favorite pond, there is more sweetness.

What is the best position for making love?
"Well, as it turns out, a lot depends on you," Duong Ling says. "Relax. Take two deep breaths. Exhale. Make the time to explore then take your time exploring. You wouldn't want to settle your mind too quickly." Gloria agrees with Ling's point. "It's a promise -- if you get it right -- it will be an extraordinarily rewarding experience," she tells Scott. Try these few first. Scott remains reticient. She suspects Scott will try a few then return to discover more, which proves she really doesn't understand Scott ... You wouldn't want to miss what happens next.

A GOOD Tip From Babe and Hon
The most precious time to give a gift is when there is no special reason whatsoever to give one. It will be especially cherished then, unless you are a crook, and then they will only get suspicious. However, if you have a good reason to give a gift then what are you waiting for? For the sky to drop on your head? Mother Grooms always used to tell me that funerals ain't the best time to give the dead flowers. The dead can't smell it, and only God knows if they have time to even watch it, and you know with Peter jangling those keys and all, and with those fires flaring at the new arrival's tail end ... not a good time! Give the flowers while they are alive. Yes. Try that for a change. Go. Do it now. Oh! First, mark this page. UShine's Babe and Hon have so much to tell you about love and sex, and sweetness and joy, you'll want to keep coming back. It's all really much easier than those other people wish to admit. Really! Those naysayers just must have things the hardway, and still they don't know how. Oh well!

Sacred Sexuality Translated by Sir Richard Burton
So what's churning in the Salon? Would you believe me?
Safer Sex. Take notice. Does he/she turn off the cellphone for you?
Sex Addicts Anonymous® - Help yourself now.
