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Disney's Gargoyles is a fantasy show, with sci-fi elements, that draws on history, folklore, mythology, and literature. These pages will help you explore the backgrounds the show uses. Also included are related subjects and material used by The Gargoyles Saga (TGS), the fanfic 'continuation' of the series.

There is a Usenet group devoted to the show (read the FAQ).

Scots history and culture

Goliath's clan originaly lived in Scotland, in 994 AD.


The show's MacBeth is based on the real, historical MacBeth.

King Arthur

In Gargoyles, he really did exist. And was taken to the Isle of Avalon. Elisa Maza wakes him early.

The Stone of Destiny

In Gargoyles, identified with the stone from which Arthur drew the sword.

The Third Race


Greg Weisman likes Shakespeare. So the show has references to several of the Bard's plays; Macbeth and A Midsummer Night's Dream in particular.


During the "Word Tour", Elisa, Goliath, Bronx, and Angela met Raven, Anansi, and Coyote. Elisa's father (Peter Maza) is Hopi, and Coyote established some sort of connection with him during his youth. Which was a surprise to Peter Maza (in Cloud Fathers).

Pyramids & the Great Sphinx at Giza

In Grief, the World travellers discover Jackel, Hyena, and Coyote 3.0 entering secret chambers inside the Great Sphinx.

Easter Island

Visited by Elisa, Goliath, Angela and Bronx during the "World Tour". They met Nokkar, an extra-terraestrial, there.


Other Interesting References

Fan Fiction Writer Resources

Other References

History of the English Language


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Last Revised Jan 18 2000

Larry Davison