Creativity is the key in this contest!
The rules are simple: create something that reflects the ambitions of the SRCIF.

The categories are as follows:

1) logos (maximum size 200x300pxl)
2) other graphics
3) poems
4) short stories (up to 5 pages)
5) other texts (essays, articles, mission statements,...)
6) music

All files must be original and created by the person submitting them.
They may not be copied from anywhere!

All submissions must be accompanied by the handle/name and email address of the person who created the work. All graphics must be in .jpg format. If you can not convert graphics, please contact Blaze, and she will help you convert them.

Send your works to:

The top three of every category wil be displayed on the SRCIF Contest Page.

The jury:

Everyone is allowed to take part, whether or not they are members of the SRCIF (except of the jury members!)

Submission of non-original files will result in disqualification.

Deadline for submissions is May 31, after which the jury will select the winners in each category.

Winners will be informed by e-mail.

The decision of the jury, no matter how arbitrary and capricious, is final.

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