Protection Against Faeries
As we all know faeries can sometimes be very mischevious
That means that they might cause us trouble just for a litle bit of fun
and while they may not have the intention to harm us, they sometimes
do. So I have here a list of ways to protect yourself from the faerie
pranks. Most of the following is taken from my favorite book Brian
Froud and Alan Lee's Faeries.
- Turn clothes inside out (a glove turned
inside out and tossed into a faerie ring
will disperse the revellers)
- Bells
- Iron
- A knife in the doorway
- a nail in the pocket
- open scissors hung above a baby's cot
- Carry the Bible
- Running Water
- Bread
- Rowan and red thread (in the case of the
scots, a red ribbon attached over the front
door or tied to the tails of cattle -this was
to discourage witches. Elsewhere a red cloth
was sometimes tied round children's chests as
protection against the little people)
- Salt
- Ancient churchyard mold
- Daisy chains
- Stones with a hole through it
- Horseshoes (moon symbol and iron combined)
- A sock under the bed
- A knife under the pillow
- A twig of broom
- St. John's wort
- The burning of thorns on top of a faerie hill
will release captive children
- Shoes placed with toes facing away from
the bed